I didn't like how it finished, the sound doesn't have the loop effect, but great drawing man, the voice kinda sounds like Ekko from LoL I do not say it's bad, its incredible.
I didn't like how it finished, the sound doesn't have the loop effect, but great drawing man, the voice kinda sounds like Ekko from LoL I do not say it's bad, its incredible.
And that's how Jebus died in the Incident:111A
If I could have an assistant on my computer and it would be a stick figure would be BEAUTIFUL C:
Se nota que tu esfuerzo es mucho,buenos carácteres,ademáspusiste información...LA BATALLA MÁS ÉPICA DE TODAS
Debes solamente mejorar la caminata y lo de disparar y moverse
Gracias, y si, tengo que mejorar eso para la segunda parte. Gracias por tu opinion!
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The best animation EVER!
oh hi there
Joined on 5/12/12